Mastitis is the most serious illness economically and also the most common indication for the use of antimicrobial therapy. There is the concern the resistance from animal bacteria will transfer to the originators of human illness, for example through the food chain. Already, more people die from drug resistant bacteria than cancer. For these reasons, it is necessary to combine the use of antibiotics with diagnostics and a targeted approach.
The diagnosis of the originators of an udder inflammation is done thru culturing, which can be performed in a veterinarian’s clinic or directly on the farm. The reading of results happens on several levels starting with the determination of microbiological groups of bacteria (Gram–positive and Gram–negative) to specific kinds of individual pathogens of mammary gland.
The treatment protocol can then be determined individually under the supervision of a veterinarian. Up to 40% of clinical cases of local mastitis (the cow has no overall symptoms) do not need to be treated with antibiotics (Prášek et al. 2010, 2016). This also yields significant cost savings.
Thanks to a targeted treatment thru the culturing of the mastitis, there is a reduction in antibiotic consumption, an increase in the effectiveness of treatment, a reduction in the risk of antibiotic resistance developing, and a reduction in the risk of antimicrobial residues passing on into the cow’s milk and thus to the food chain. There is also the huge economic benefit of shortening the period when the cow is out of the tank.
This system can be used to diagnose and treat clinical cases of mastitis, subclinical mastitis, and for selective dry-off therapy.
All mastitis quarters are cultured. If the cow shows the 1st and 2nd stages of inflammation, i.e. changes to the milk and local signs of udder inflammation, the treatment is started within 24 hours based on the diagnostic results. For cows with systemic symptoms, the anti-shock therapy is initiated immediately and the choice of antibiotic usage is later adjusted based on the result of the culturing.
Cows with an increased number of somatic cells in their milk are cultured. The potential antibiotic treatment is decided individually based on the specific situation on the farm. Culturing of subclinical mastitis is especially necessary to find a rapid and effective solution to any problems with contagious pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae.
With the increased attention to the hygiene and welfare of the cows, the risk of udder infection during dry-off is reduced. It can be further reduced by using seals (with outer and inner seals). Consequently, the use of antibiotics during dry period is only needed in response to a case of infection. However, it is still necessary to check for the presence of the pathogen using culturing just before the dry-off, and to use targeted antibiotics for the treatment of dry period infections.
Přidáno 27. 5. 2016, autor: J4W Admin