Our goal when consulting is to ensure a healthy herd of cows with maximum milk yield and minimal drug use, with a focus on reducing antibiotic consumption.
We Provide Consultations in the field of Udder Health
- Basic usage and implementation of the MicroMast on-farm culturing system.
- Usage of culturing kits for purposes of diagnosing particular types of mammalian pathogens and establishing therapeutic procedures.
- Usage of culturing kits during selective dry-off.
- Utilisation diagnostic information for the improvement of preventive anti-mastitis protocols.
- Herd management with an eye toward udder health.
- Herd analysis and interpretation of milk yield check data.
- Training of milking and nursing staff on correct procedures.
We Offer Herd Health Diagnostics
- Solutions for metabolic disorders.
- Solutions for reproduction problems.
- Solutions for claws diseases.
- Solutions for calf health problems.
We Conduct Training for Farm Staff
- Farm hoof trimmer (correction and treatment unhealthy claws according to state-of-the-art trends).
- Milking staff (proper milking procedure to prevent formation of mastitis).
- Farm managers (MicroMast stable diagnostics).
There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame is if you do not want to know it.